In this semester our clss "JR" will learn about a novel called "Jacob have I loved". Our teahcer "Micah had said to us on Thursday that our novel class will be very interesting. So, I think that for our novel class our class should prepare for the novel class by reading our novels very patiently, and do homeworks all the time except when you have a particular situation. I want to have an interesting novel class !!!!
I would like to ask some questions about JACOB HAVE I LOVED.
-what is Caroline good at?
- why is Louise jealous at Caroline?
-what has Jacob in the bible related in this book?
-What do people do on the Rass Island?
- why doesn't grandma remember Louise's born?
Type of Conflict: Character VS. Nature
In this photo you can see that a man has a conflict with the nature. He is saving his daughter in front of the tsunami. It looks like those two people will die in just a second. In Jacob have I loved, many of the characters have conflicts with the natural world. The Bradshaw family has to face a storm in chapter 10. This makes their house to flood and forces their family's boat to sink their own boat. moreover, they have to endure harsh heat during August, which is not very good for their bodies, and also bad for their job, crabbing. The natural world can cause anything that is positive, or also negative. Through out the novel you can see that the Bradshaw family conflicts with the nature.
Type of Conflict: Character VS. Character
In this photo, you can see that a man has a conflict with the other man. He is braving his friend. It looks like they had a little conflict with each other. In "Jacob have I loved" , many of the characters have conflicts with each other. Louise has a conflict with her sister Caroline... She is just jealous of her younger sister that she is always getting attentions, always cleaner, and Caroline has more beatiful voice tham Louise... Further more, if they are keep fighting with each other it will be worse for each other's relationships. Fighting with each other, if you do not stop it, it will be worse for your relationships between you, and your society.
Type of conflict: characterVSsociety
In this photo, you can see that three squirrels are having a fight with a lazer sword. It looks like it is maybe a war going on between thier world. In "Jacob have I loved", many of the characters have conflicts with the society. Such as captain versus the islanders, or Bradshaws versus Economy, but I choose U.S. versus war. When I think of society it gives me a thought of ccountry, and war. In "Jacob have I loved" there will be second world war soon. It is bad for their crabbing, and also their relationships with the people outside of the island. The society is a force that cna work against each other, and break their relationships as a type of conflict.

type of conflict: character VS self
In this photo, you can see a funny religious picture.This is the picture of Jesus's students having a conflict with thc christ. In "Jacob have I loved", one of the character in the book has conflicts with his/her belief. Who I am going to tell is Louise. She has a conflict against her religious belief. She doesn't believe her family's, and also the islanders only religion. She thinks, or she feels differently about the religion.It will be bad for her because she is the only one who doesn't belive in the islanders' religion. The religion is a forve that can lengthen, or cut your relaitonships with others just at once.
Caroline VS Louise
Q: If you were Caroline, how would you handle Louise's jealousy?
How would you feel?
What would you do?
How would you act?
Explain the reasons why you would feel this way.
If I was Caroline, I couldn't handle Louise's jealousy, I would feel like I would like to kick, and punch her.
I would feel so bad that I can't stand for that kind of jealousy any more. I would like to
punch her on the face to make her feel sorry. I would act like a strong person not to be ignored, or hated, because I would not like her to keep hating me, and I would not like to live in Louise's criticism. I would also hate Louise just like how she hated me, if I was Caroline I would know that I can not solve this problem with kind manners. She would act not nicely even though I treat Louise very kindly just like an angel in heaven. So, my opinion is that sometimes you need to express your thoughts strongly
CHARACTER I CHOSE: Caroline Bradshaw
DESCRIPTIVE TRAITS: 1. kind 2. good singer 3. Yield
How can I relate:
1. Caroline is very kind. We can see this when she is worrying about for Louise's health. She will probably grow up and continue worrying about her older sister . I can relate to Caroline, because I am kind too. I think for other people if they have hard situations. Then I would worry about my family if they've done everything they need to do. I also do many things for others. I also help everyone to give them easy life. Being kind is a very positive trait, and I connect to Caroline's mind.
2. Caroline is a very good singer. We can see this when the authur mentions it in the book. She could probably win the prize if she goes out to a singing contest. I can't, it is impossible to relate me with Caroline, because I am a pathetic singer. Perhaps, I am the most worst singer there ever was. For example, if I sing every single creature that listens to my song will explode into pieces. Being a good singer is a blessed thing. I would like to be a singer myself.
3. Caroline yields every time for every one. We can see this when the authur mentions it in the book. She yields every time for Louise, and Call, or anyone. She is a kind child. I can of course relate to this, because I am one of the people whom yields to other people all the time. Meaning I am one of the people who is kind.
Yielding to everyone is a kind thing to do. I also like to yield. So that means I am a kind person.
Ration is a fixed allowance of provisions or food, esp. for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage
To make the people live fine without starving. food, clothes, or shoes. People are rationing after the storm. This is a picture of people waiting for the bread ration. In Jacob have I loved, everyone got milk, and coffees they had to save them carefully to drink them. It effected the family depressed. They didn't get enough.
GI bill was an omnibus bill that provided college or vocational education for returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as G.I.s) as well as one year of unemployment compensation. I couldn't find the original name. The president. World war 2 it was intended for people to live better than before. I don't think it was good. Louise. She is trying to get enough money, and get out of the island. It represents GI bill with symbolizing education. I think it effected Call. He was effected that he could be paid for his university after he comes back. He could be payed for his education.
D day in the novel was United states with other countries attacking Germany. This is Germany, and it is d-day of attacking. It happened in 1944. Yes it was successful, but there was many hurt people too. I would feel nervous, and also I would feel like I've done something wrong. 12984 people died in this war including German. Louise didn't care, but most of the people on the island was excited, and nervous. It represents preparing the war in Germany.
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